Hyper-vigilance Syndrome

Hyper-vigilance syndrome, common in first responders, describes the drastic swing between two phases, the on-duty and off-duty phases. Emergency services requires heightened alertness for prolonged periods of time. Hyper-vigilance syndrome develops from this prolonged alertness. Unless addressed proactively, it can result in a reaction that is the complete opposite when off-duty. A first responder can ‘rollercoaster’ between being extra alert when on-duty with quick thinking, feeling super alive and funny, to being lethargic, apathetic, detached, and angry when off-shift. Maintaining balance between shifts is difficult for many responders.

Most first responder spouses have no clue about hypervigilance syndrome and find their relationship strained, even fracturing because of the drastic rollercoaster from work to home. This rollercoaster will affect a first responder profoundly at work and home.

Responder Support Services can help first responders learn skills and strategies to break the destructive effect on responders and their families.

Call today: 828-333-5708