Services for Agencies & Departments

Responder Support Services also offers services to agencies and departments. Here, we deliver services to help agencies and departments integrate BH into the agency/department structure to better serve communities and personnel. Some of the services we offer to agencies/departments include:

  • Consultation/clinical oversight of internal peer support teams

  • Consultation on CNT and SRT teams

  • Development of resiliency and retention programs

  • Supervision & training of agency EBH clinical staff

  • Facilitated discussions following major agency/department events

  • 24/7 crisis line for agency/department personnel

Agencies and departments can decide to work with Responder Support Services on a per-incident/as needed basis, or contract with us for regular service delivery within the agency/department.Responder Support Services can help first responders learn skills and strategies to break the destructive effect on responders and their families.

To discuss the best options for your agency or department,

call us at: 828-333-5708