Nelda St. Clair

Bureau of Land Management,

National Office FA-100

Position: National Critical Incident Stress Program Manager

Rick Baker is one of the few Mental Health Professionals selected by the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Interior to provide clinical expertise for wildland fire and aviation personnel who have been involved in a critical incident. It has become progressively more important for wildland fire organizations and their personnel to develop effective methods through which to successfully integrate these experiences into the fabric of their lives. During times of tragedy and loss one cannot simply return from a fire assignment and walk away from the most profound events of human life without being changed somehow by the experience.

Rick provides sophisticated expertise as a trauma professional and has remarkable ability to assist individuals during some of the most difficult times in their careers. Crisis intervention within the wildland fire service has evolved over the last decade. Rick has clearly demonstrated its effectiveness as a tool to reduce human distress. Perhaps one of his most renowned characteristics is advocacy that matters of significant psychological importance are always applied by trained, qualified specialists, including peer supporters under appropriate circumstances and established boundaries and standards of care. Regardless, Rick continues to achieve as a highly respected and well known crisis intervention clinician within the fire and aviation community.

Rick has been mobilized for numerous critical incidents within the wildland fire community ranging from accidents, injuries, and fatalities to employee suicides. Rick always remains calm, maintains focus and brings organization to chaos during some of the most challenging situations.